About me

My name is Andreas and I am a Danish software engineer. I currently work as a Platform engineer at ZeroNorth.

My educational background is in baking and I graduated in 2024 from an undergraduate degree in software development from IT University of Copenhagen.

During my studies I've worked as a software engineering student assistant in Motorola Solutions and in A.P. Moeller - Maersk. This has enabled me to work early in my career in a DevOps and later a Platform Engineering team.

Professional interests

Right now I'm mainly interested in cloud computing/infrastructure and creating containerized workloads.

I like to work with the following technologies:

Programming languages

When the opportunity shows I enjoy writing solutions in functional programming languages such as F# and Elixir.

For the remainder of the time I enjoy writing Golang. I've taken a hobby interest in Zig, Rust and Gleam.